How to order at

How to order?

You can browse and compare products on the site without logging in or registering.

Registration is required in order to place an order. Here you can enter the basic data. Of course, we do not ask for any confidential data, even if you want to pay by bank card or bank transfer in the future (in such cases, the web payment module redirects you to the bank's secure interface, so we do not need to get involved).

It is possible to enter different Shipping and Billing addresses, this can be set during the order process.


Steps of the order process:

- Register at
- Login with username
- Add products to the cart
- Check cart
- Set up shipping and billing data
- Send the order

After ordering, we will send you an automatic confirmation email in which you can check the ordered items price/availabilty and shipping/invoicing information. You can also check realtime the progress of your order - after logging in - in the Package Tracking menu item.

The products added to the basket are not yet considered an order, they are not registered to your name, you can delete the products collected there at any time. Remember that their stock may change in the meantime!


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