- Training, Fittness (130)
- Brakes (1980, 2 new)
- Drivetrain (1936, 2 new)
- Wheel (3526, 1 new)
- Kerékpár Bicycle (1115, 2 new)
- Kerékpár Maintenance (1863, 1 new)
- Accessories (4803, 13 new)
- Steering (1366)
- Saddle/Seatpost (782)
- Kerékpár Rear shock (40)
- Clothing (2056)
- Transportation (174)
- Storage (91)
- Shifting (1128, 3 new)
- Frames (290)
- Forks (416, 1 new)
- Other products (32)
- Complete sets (3)
Spoke calculator
Hub data
Rim data
- 5 coll
- 8 coll
- 10 coll
- 10 coll
- 12 coll
- 12 coll
- 12 coll
- 12 coll
- 12 coll
- 14 coll
- 14 coll
- 16 coll
- 16 coll
- 16 coll
- 16 coll
- 16 coll
- 18 coll
- 18 coll
- 20 coll
- 20 coll
- 20 coll
- 20 coll
- 20 coll
- 20 coll
- 20 coll alatt
- 20 coll alatt
- 20 coll alatt
- 20 coll hagyományos
- 22 coll
- 22 coll
- 24 coll
- 24 coll
- 24 coll
- 24 coll
- 24 coll
- 24 coll
- 24 coll (hagyom.)
- 24 coll hagyományos
- 26 coll
- 26 coll
- 26 coll (hagyom.)
- 26 coll (MTB)
- 26 coll (MTB)
- 26 coll Fatbike
- 26 coll hagyományos
- 26 coll MTB
- 26 coll MTB
- 26 coll MTB Disc
- 26 coll MTB félterep
- 26 coll MTB slick
- 26 coll MTB téli/szöges
- 26 coll MTB UST
- 27 coll (hagyom.)
- 27 coll hagyományos
- 27,5 coll
- 27,5 coll (MTB)
- 27,5 coll (MTB)
- 27,5 coll / 650b
- 27,5 coll /650b
- 27,5 coll szöges
- 27,5+ coll
- 27.5 coll (650b)
- 28 coll (hagyom.)
- 28 coll hagyományos
- 29 coll (MTB)
- 29 coll (MTB)
- 29+ coll
- 29er
- 29er szöges
- 622/700c
- Agy - Alkatrész
- Agy - Első
- Agy - Hátsó
- Agy - Szett
- Agydinamó
- Agyváltó alk.
- Alkatrész
- Anya-Alátét
- Belső
- Belső nélküli rendszer
- Betöltő eszközök
- Defektgátló betét
- Defektgátló szalag
- Defektjavító szett
- Defektvédelem
- Disc
- Disc
- Dobfékes
- Egyéb
- Egyéb
- Egyéb
- Egyéb méretek
- Egyéb méretek
- Egyéb teleszkóp alk.
- Felni
- Felniszalag
- Felniszalag
- Fogaskoszorú
- Folt
- Gravel
- Gravel
- Gravel
- Gumi leszedő
- Gumiköpeny
- Hagyományos
- Hagyományos
- Hajtás
- Karbantartás
- Kazetta test
- Kerék - Alkatrész
- Kerék - Első
- Kerék - Hátsó
- Kerék - Szett
- Kerekesszékhez
- Kerekesszékhez
- Kit
- Kontrás
- Kónusz
- Küllő
- Küllőanya
- Menetes
- MTB 27,5" (650B)
- MTB 29er
- Országúti
- Országúti
- Országúti
- Országúti
- Országúti/Trekking
- Országúti/Trekking
- Országúti/Trekking téli/szöges
- Országúti/Trekking/29er
- Országúti/Trekking/29er
- Peg/Kilépő
- Ragasztó
- Retro
- Single Speed
- Single Speed adapter
- Szelep
- Szelep alkatrész
- Szelep alkatrész
- Szelep átalakító
- Szelep sapka
- Szerszám (célszerszám)
- Szingó ragasztó
- Szingógumi
- Szingós
- Tekercs
- Teleszkóp alk.
- Tengely - Első
- Tengely - Hátsó
- Tengely átalakító
- Tömítő folyadék
- Trekking
- Trekking
- Trénerhez
- Triatlon
- Tubeless betét
- V-fékes
- V-fékes
- Váltás
- Váltó
- Váltó alkatrész
- Villa
- a2Z
- Acor
- Alexrims
- Alpina Spokes
- Altrix
- Ashima
- Assess
- Beretta
- BikeFun
- BikeWorkX
- Blackburn
- Bontrager
- Chaoyang
- cnSpoke
- Compass
- Contec
- Continental
- Csepel
- Deestone
- Deli Tires
- Dema
- DT
- Duro
- Elite
- Exal
- Fastace
- Force
- Formula
- Freedom
- Fulcrum
- Genuine Innovations
- GND 51
- Goodyear
- Granite
- Haibike
- Herrmans
- Icetoolz
- Innova
- J-Tech
- Joe's No-Flats
- Joytech
- Kellys
- Kenda
- Kenzel
- Koliken
- Kujo
- Lezyne
- Longus
- M-Wave
- Mali
- Marikoo
- Mavic
- Maxxis
- Merida
- Miche
- Michelin
- Mitas (Rubena)
- Modus
- Mongoose
- Motul
- Muc-Off
- Noname
- Novatec
- Obor
- One
- Panaracer
- Park Tool
- Peaty's
- Pepi's
- Pirelli
- Race Face
- Ralson
- Red-Sun
- Remerx
- Reverse
- Ritchey
- Rodi
- Ryde
- Sapim
- Schwalbe
- Schwinn Csepel
- Shimano
- SKS-Germany
- Slime
- Spank
- Spyral
- Sram
- Stan's NoTubes
- Sturmey Archer
- Sun Ringlé
- Sunrace
- Suntour
- Supacaz
- Syncros
- Tannus
- Tioga
- Tip-Top
- Token
- Toopre
- Topeak
- Trinity
- Tubolight
- Tubolito
- Tufo
- Union
- Vee Rubber
- Vee Tire
- Velosteel
- Velotech
- Vittoria
- Vuelta
- Wanda
- Weldtite
- Westrick
- Zefal
- Zipp
- Zoggie
- 0.5 mm
- 1 1/2
- 1,2 mm
- 1,75
- 1.1
- 1.25
- 1.3
- 1.35
- 1.4
- 1.5
- 1.5 mm
- 1.6
- 1.6 mm
- 1.65
- 1.7
- 1.75
- 1.8
- 1.85
- 1.9
- 1.95
- 2,1
- 2.0
- 2.1
- 2.125
- 2.15
- 2.2
- 2.25
- 2.3
- 2.30
- 2.35
- 2.4
- 2.45
- 2.50
- 2.5
- 2.6
- 2.60
- 2.65
- 2.8
- 3 mm
- 3.0
- 3.2 mm
- 3.5
- 4
- 4 mm
- 4.0
- 4.1
- 4.4
- 4.5 mm
- 4.8
- 7 mm
- 12 mm
- 14 mm
- 15 mm
- 19
- 19 mm [EN]
- 20
- 21
- 22
- 22 mm
- 23
- 24
- 25
- 25 mm
- 26
- 27
- 27 mm
- 28
- 30
- 31
- 31 mm
- 32
- 33
- 34
- 34 mm
- 35
- 36
- 37
- 37 mm
- 38
- 39 mm
- 40
- 40 mm
- 42
- 43
- 44
- 45
- 47
- 48
- 49
- 50
- 50 mm
- 52
- 54
- 55
- 57
- 62
- 85
- [N/A] 35 mm
- L
- M
- M/L
- S
- S-60
- S/M
- XS
- anodizált fekete
- anthracite
- átlátszó fekete
- baby blue
- barna/fekete
- beige
- black
- black-antracit
- black-beige
- black-blue
- black-bronze
- black-brown
- black-cream
- black-gold
- black-green
- black-grey
- black-pink
- black-red
- black-reflex
- black-white
- black-yellow
- blue
- blue-black
- bourbon
- brown
- brown-white
- chrome
- coffee
- cream
- emerald
- fekete (szürke logo)
- fekete-celeste
- fekete-fehér oldalfal
- fekete-kávé
- fekete-tanwall
- fekete-transparent
- fekete-transzparent
- fekete-türkizkék
- fekete/fehér
- fekete/fekete
- fekete/transzparent
- fekete/zöld
- gold
- green
- green-white
- grey
- Kawasaki green
- lemon
- lilac
- mango
- matt black
- neonzöld
- oil slick
- orange
- orange
- pink
- pink-fekete
- puncs
- red
- red-black
- red-white
- silver
- silver-black
- sötét lila
- Summer
- színváltós
- tanwall
- tengerkék
- transparent
- transparent
- turquoise
- világos lila [EN]
- white
- yellow
- zöld/barna
- ETRTO diameter
Puncture protection
- Anti Snake Bite Chafer
- Anti-Flat Casing
- Anti-Flat Plus
- AX-Alpha Cord
- Bontrager Hard-Case
- Bontrager Hard-Case Lite
- Bontrager Hard-Case Ultimate
- Compass Green Shield
- Continental Double Safety System
- Continental Downhill Carcass
- Continental Enduro Carcass
- Continental Extra PunctureBelt
- Continental Hardshell ProTection
- Continental NyTechBreaker
- Continental Plus Breaker
- Continental PolyX Breaker
- Continental ProTection
- Continental Puncture ProTection
- Continental Safety Plus Breaker
- Continental SafetyPlus Pro
- Continental SafetyPro
- Continental SafetyPro
- Continental SafetySystem Breaker
- Continental Shieldwall System
- Continental Trail Carcass
- Continental Vectran Breaker
- CST Kevlarnet
- Deestone APS
- Double Safety System Breaker
- Freedom Durastrip
- Goodyear Armor
- Goodyear R:Armor
- Goodyear R:Shield
- Maxxis DoubleDown
- Maxxis Exo Tubeless Ready
- Maxxis K2
- Maxxis Maxx Shield
- Maxxis Maxxprotect
- Maxxis Silk Shield
- Maxxis Silkworm
- Michelin Aramid Protek +
- Michelin Bead2Bead
- Michelin Cross Shield 2
- Michelin Gravity Shield
- Michelin High Density Protection
- Michelin High Density Shield
- Michelin Max Protection
- Michelin Protek
- Michelin Trail Shield
- Mitas APS
- Mitas DH Supra Max
- Mitas Stop Thorn
- Mitas Weltex Plus
- Mitas Weltex+
- no/without
- Nytech Breaker
- Obor Green Shield
- Panaracer PR Belt
- Panaracer ProTite Belt
- Panaracer Tough Lock Rubber Belt
- Pirelli Armour Tech™
- Pirelli HyperBelt
- Pirelli TechBELT
- Pirelli TechBELT Road
- Pirelli TechWall
- Pirelli TechWall Gravel
- Pirelli TechWall+
- Pro Tite Belt
- ProTite Belt
- ProTite Shield
- Schwalbe BikePark
- Schwalbe DoubleDefense
- Schwalbe DoubleDefense GreenGuard
- Schwalbe DoubleDefense RaceGuard
- Schwalbe DualGuard
- Schwalbe GreenGuard
- Schwalbe K-Guard
- Schwalbe Performance TubelessReady
- Schwalbe PunctureGuard
- Schwalbe RaceGuard
- Schwalbe Smart DualGuard
- Schwalbe SmartGuard
- Schwalbe Super Defense
- Schwalbe Super Downhill Tubeless Easy
- Schwalbe Super Gravity Tubeless Easy
- Schwalbe Super Ground
- Schwalbe Super Ground Tubeless Easy
- Schwalbe Super Race Tubeless Easy
- Schwalbe Super Trail
- Schwalbe Super Trail Tubeless Easy
- Schwalbe Tubeless Easy
- Schwalbe Tubeless Easy MicroSkin
- Schwalbe Tubeless Easy SnakeSkin
- Schwalbe V-Guard
- TF Super Belt
- TuffTex
- Tufo Protective rubber
- Tufo Protective Rubber Ply
- Tufo Puncture proof
- Tufo Vectran Puncture Barrier
- Vee Rubber 1.5mm Rubber Protection
- Vee Rubber 3.5mm Rubber Protection
- Vee Rubber 5mm Rubber Protection
- Vee Rubber B-Proof kevlar
- Vee Rubber B-Proof Plus
- Vittoria Graphene 2.0
- Vittoria Graphene+
- Vittoria nylon breaker
- Vittoria Tubeless TNT
- Weltex Plus
- WTB Flat Guard
- WTB Slash Guard 2
- WTB Tough Casing
- yes
- Holes
- Bead type
- Size
- Reflective sidewall
- Teeth
- Volume
- Diameter
- 1.8 m
- 2m
- 9 m
- 10m
- 11 m
- 20 mm
- 21 mm
- 25 m
- 28 mm
- 30 mm
- 31 mm
- 40 mm
- 50 m
- 50 mm
- 60 m
- 60 mm
- 66 m
- 80 mm
- 85 mm
- 108 mm
- 110 mm
- 115 mm
- 121 mm
- 130 mm
- 141 mm
- 142 mm
- 145 mm
- 146 mm
- 148
- 148 mm
- 151 mm
- 157 mm
- 158
- 158 mm
- 162.5 mm
- 164 mm [EN]
- 167 mm
- 168 mm
- 168.5 mm
- 171 mm
- 171.5 mm
- 172 mm
- 174 mm
- 175 mm
- 178 mm
- 180 mm
- 185 mm
- [N/A] 140 mm
- Wall thickness
- 3C Maxx Speed
- 3C MaxxGrip
- 3C MaxxSpeed
- 3C MaxxTerra
- 3C Triple Compound
- 42a Super Tacky
- 60a
- 60a MaxxPro
- 62a
- 68a
- Addix
- Addix 4season
- Addix E
- Addix Performance
- Addix Race
- Addix Soft
- Addix Speed
- Addix Speedgrip
- Addix UltraSoft
- Addix-E
- Black Chili [EN]
- Continental PureGrip Compound
- Continental Soft
- Dual [EN]
- DualCompound
- Endurance [EN]
- Energetic Compound
- Energizer
- Evo Compound
- FourSeason
- Goodyear Dynamic: R/T
- Goodyear Dynamic: Silica4
- Goodyear Dynamic:A/T
- Goodyear Dynamic:Grip3
- Goodyear Dynamic:Grip3S
- Goodyear Dynamic:GSR
- Goodyear Dynamic:HP
- Goodyear Dynamic:Pace Anti-Puncture Silica
- Goodyear Dynamic:UHP
- Goodyear Trail2
- Graphene 2.0 + Silica
- GreenCompound
- High Grip Compound
- Maxxis Dual Compound
- Maxxis HYPR Compound
- Maxxis Performance Compound
- Maxxis Single Compound
- Michelin Grip Compound
- Michelin Gum-X
- Michelin GUM-X3D
- Michelin MAGI-X DH
- OneStar
- PaceStar [EN]
- Panaracer ZSG Advance Compound
- Pirelli SmartEVO Compound
- Pirelli Speedgrip Compound
- Pro Compound
- Pro Urban
- PureGrip
- Roller
- Schwalbe Green Compound
- Silica
- Silica Medianum (SMC)
- Single [EN]
- SmartNET™ Silica
- Soft
- Speedgrip [EN]
- Standard
- SuperSoft
- SuperTacky
- TR-Endure
- TravelStar
- Tufo Carbon Black
- Tufo NAN Silica
- Tufo Oil Silica
- Tufo SPC Silica
- Vittoria 1C
- Vittoria 2C
- Vittoria 3C Graphene 2.0
- Vittoria 4C Graphene
- Vittoria Graphene 2.0
- Winter
- WTB Distance+
- WTB DNA Compound
- WTB DNA Rubber Compound
- WTB Dual DNA Compound
- WTB TriTec
- Valve type
- Position
- Casette body type
- Eyelets
- Groupset
- Chain sprockets mounting
- Pump connection
- Valve connection
- Bearing
- QR Type
- Rim inner width
- Number of gears
- Rim material
- Flange height
- Brake compatibility
- Axle type
- Self Sealing?
- Inner tube material
- Rim structure
- Quick release?
- Pattern
- Thread size
- Sealant type
- Over Locknut Distance (O.L.D.)
- Quick release type
- Hub body material
- Hub dynamo
- Internal gearhub
- Can be tubeless?
- Spoke head
- Spoke diameter
- For 11T?
ETRTO size
- 18-520
- 18-622
- 19-622
- 20-520
- 20-540
- 20-559
- 20-571
- 20-584
- 20-590
- 20-622
- 22-520
- 22-622
- 22-630
- 23-406
- 23-520
- 23-559
- 23-571
- 23-584
- 23-590
- 23-622
- 24-622
- 25-520
- 25-540
- 25-541
- 25-559
- 25-584
- 25-590
- 25-622
- 25-630
- 26-622
- 27-622
- 28-349
- 28-355
- 28-406
- 28-440
- 28-451
- 28-520
- 28-540
- 28-541
- 28-559
- 28-584
- 28-590
- 28-597
- 28-622
- 28-630
- 30-559
- 30-584
- 30-622
- 30-630
- 32-137
- 32-298
- 32-305
- 32-340
- 32-349
- 32-355
- 32-357
- 32-406
- 32-451
- 32-507
- 32-540
- 32-544
- 32-559
- 32-584
- 32-590
- 32-597
- 32-622
- 32-630
- 32-635
- 32-86
- 33-507
- 33-622
- 35-349
- 35-355
- 35-406
- 35-559
- 35-584
- 35-590
- 35-597
- 35-622
- 35-630
- 35-635
- 37-288
- 37-298
- 37-340
- 37-349
- 37-355
- 37-390
- 37-406
- 37-438
- 37-440
- 37-451
- 37-489
- 37-507
- 37-540
- 37-541
- 37-544
- 37-559
- 37-584
- 37-590
- 37-597
- 37-622
- 37-642
- 38-203
- 38-305
- 38-406
- 38-420
- 38-559
- 38-622
- 40-279
- 40-288
- 40-305
- 40-355
- 40-406
- 40-507
- 40-559
- 40-584
- 40-590
- 40-597
- 40-609
- 40-622
- 40-635
- 42-355
- 42-45
- 42-559
- 42-584
- 42-590
- 42-597
- 42-622
- 42-635
- 43-622
- 44-194
- 44-288
- 44-406
- 44-507
- 44-540
- 44-544
- 44-559
- 44-584
- 44-590
- 44-622
- 44-635
- 45-622
- 46-507
- 46-622
- 47-152
- 47-203
- 47-222
- 47-254
- 47-288
- 47-305
- 47-340
- 47-349
- 47-355
- 47-406
- 47-456
- 47-507
- 47-540
- 47-544
- 47-559
- 47-571
- 47-584
- 47-590
- 47-597
- 47-622
- 47-93
- 48-584
- 48-622
- 49-507
- 50-203
- 50-305
- 50-355
- 50-406
- 50-507
- 50-559
- 50-584
- 50-622
- 50-94
- 52-406
- 52-584
- 52-622
- 53-559
- 54-110
- 54-152
- 54-203
- 54-305
- 54-355
- 54-406
- 54-428
- 54-456
- 54-507
- 54-559
- 54-584
- 54-622
- 55-559
- 55-622
- 57-203
- 57-254
- 57-263
- 57-305
- 57-406
- 57-489
- 57-504
- 57-507
- 57-559
- 57-584
- 57-622
- 58-559
- 58-622
- 60-355
- 60-406
- 60-504
- 60-507
- 60-559
- 60-584
- 60-622
- 61-584
- 61-622
- 62-203
- 62-222
- 62-305
- 62-355
- 62-406
- 62-504
- 62-507
- 62-559
- 62-584
- 62-622
- 63-507
- 63-622
- 64-559
- 64-584
- 65-504
- 65-507
- 65-559
- 65-584
- 65-622
- 70-305
- 70-504
- 70-507
- 70-559
- 70-584
- 70-622
- 73-584
- 73-622
- 74-584
- 75-504
- 75-559
- 75-584
- 75-622
- 76-305
- 76-584
- 76-622
- 77-584
- 77-622
- 88-203
- 88-559
- 89-584
- 90-559
- 95-559
- 100-559
- 102-203
- 102-406
- 102-559
- 108-559
- 110-559
- 114-559
- 120-559
- 121-559
- 127-559
- Rim sidewall
- Spoke shaping
- Fixing method
- Self-adhesive
Sidewall protection
- Anti-Flat Casing
- AX-Alpha Cord
- Continental Apex
- Continental Duraskin
- Continental Enduro Carcass
- Continental Extra PunctureBelt
- Continental ProTection
- Continental Shield Wall System
- Continental ShieldWall
- Continental Skin
- Goodyear Armor
- Goodyear DH:Wall
- Goodyear EN:Wall
- Goodyear M:Wall
- Goodyear R:Armor
- Maxxis Butyl Insert
- Maxxis DH
- Maxxis DoubleDown
- Maxxis Exo
- Maxxis Exo Tubeless Ready
- Maxxis EXO+
- Maxxis Maxx Shield
- Maxxis Maxxshield
- Maxxis Silk Shield
- Michelin Bead2Bead
- Michelin Cross Shield 2
- Michelin Gravity Shield
- Michelin Pinch Protection
- Michelin Trail Shield
- Mitas Textra
- Mitas Textra Plus
- Mitas Weltex+
- no/without
- Panaracer 400D Lite Extra Cord
- ProTite Shield
- Schwalbe BikePark
- Schwalbe Billboard
- Schwalbe DoubleDefense
- Schwalbe DoubleDefense GreenGuard
- Schwalbe DoubleDefense RaceGuard
- Schwalbe LiteSkin
- Schwalbe Performance TubelessReady
- Schwalbe SnakeSkin
- Schwalbe Super Downhill Tubeless Easy
- Schwalbe Super Gravity Tubeless Easy
- Schwalbe Super Ground
- Schwalbe Super Ground Tubeless Easy
- Schwalbe Super Race Tubeless Easy
- Schwalbe Super Trail Tubeless Easy
- Schwalbe Tubeless
- Schwalbe TwinSkin
- TF Super Outer Shield
- TuffTex
- Tufo Jubena
- Tufo Vectran Puncture Barrier
- Vittoria Graphene 2.0
- Vittoria Tubeless TNT
- Weltex Plus
- WTB Flat Guard
- WTB Slash Guard
- WTB Slash Guard 1
- WTB Slash Guard 2
- WTB Tough Casing
- yes
- Tire type
- E-bike ready
Compatible hub
- Alivio DH-T4000
- CB-E110
- Deore XT FH-T780
- DH-3D72
- DH-3N20
- DH-3N20A
- DH-C3000-3N
- FH-2400
- FH-3500
- FH-M629
- FH-M675
- FH-M7000
- FH-RS300
- FH-RS400
- FH-RS505
- FH-UR600
- HB-M7000
- HB-M770
- HB-M775
- HB-M785
- HB-T665
- HB-T675
- Joytech 734SE
- Shimano HB-3500
- Shimano Altus FH-CT91
- Shimano Deore LX FH-M550
- Shimano Deore LX FH-T660
- Shimano Deore LX FH-T670
- Shimano Deore XT FH-M756-A
- Shimano FH-3300
- Shimano FH-A416
- Shimano FH-C201
- Shimano FH-F700
- Shimano FH-HG20
- Shimano FH-HG50
- Shimano FH-M475
- Shimano FH-M495
- Shimano FH-M525
- Shimano FH-M529 Disk [EN]
- Shimano FH-M590
- Shimano FH-M6000
- Shimano FH-M756
- Shimano FH-RM60-8QR
- Shimano FH-T610
- Shimano FH-TX500
- Shimano FH-TX500 QR
- Shimano FH-TX800
- Shimano HB-2400
- Shimano HB-4600
- Shimano HB-M4050
- Shimano HB-M535
- Shimano HB-T4000
- Shimano LX FH-M452
- Shimano RS300
- Shimano RSX FH-A410
- Shimano RX100 FH-A550
- Shimano RX100 FH-A551
- Shimano SG-3C01
- Shimano SG-3C41
- Shimano SG-3D55
- Shimano SG-8R25
- Shimano Tiagra HB-RS400
- Shimano WH-MT35-R
- Shimano WH-R500-A-F
- Shimano WH-R500-F
- Shimano WH-R501-30-F
- Shimano WH-R501-A-F
- Shimano WH-R501-F
- Shimano WH-RS010-F
- Shimano WH-RS100-CL-F
- Shimano FH-M4050
- Shimano FH-M430
- Shimano FH-M475
- Shimano FH-M510
- Shimano FH-M595
- Shimano FH-M615
- Shimano FH-M629
- Shimano FH-M665
- Shimano FH-M785
- Shimano FH-MC18
- Shimano FH-MC33
- Shimano FH-MC38
- Shimano FH-RM30
- Shimano FH-RM66
- Shimano HB-4500
- Shimano HB-CT90
- Shimano HB-M290
- Shimano HB-M330
- Shimano HB-M430
- Shimano HB-M435
- Shimano HB-M475
- Shimano HB-M495
- Shimano HB-M590
- Shimano HB-M595
- Shimano HB-M615
- Shimano HB-MC10
- Shimano HB-MC18
- Shimano HB-RM35
- Shimano HB-RM40
- Shimano HB-RM50
- Shimano HB-RM66
- Shimano SG-3C40
- Shimano SG-3R40
- Shimano SG-7C18
- Shimano SG-7R40
- WH-MT66-F
- WH-MT66-F-29
- WH-R501-A-R
- WH-R501-R
- WH-R510
- WH-RS010-R
- WH-RS10
- WH-RS100-CL-R
- WH-RS21-F
- WH-RX010-R
Wheel colour
- black
- ezüst-ezüst-ezüst
- ezüst-fekete-ezüst
- ezüst-fekete-fekete
- ezüst-króm-ezüst
- fehér-fehér-fekete
- fehér-szürke-piros
- fekete-ezüst-ezüst
- fekete-ezüst-fekete
- fekete-fehér-fekete
- fekete-fekete-ezüst
- fekete-fekete-fekete
- fekete-karbon-fekete
- króm-ezüst-ezüst
- piros-piros-fekete
- silver
- szürke-fekete-piros
- white-black
- Hub dynamo output power
- 2/220 tpi
- 2/60 tpi
- 2x120 tpi
- 2x150 tpi
- 2x50 tpi
- 2x60 tpi
- 2x67 tpi
- 3/180
- 3/180 tpi
- 3/330 tpi
- 3x100 tpi
- 3x110 tpi
- 3x120 tpi
- 3x180 tpi
- 3x60 tpi
- 4/240
- 4/240 tpi
- 4x110 tpi
- 4x120 tpi
- 4x240 tpi
- 6x110 tpi
- 20 tpi
- 22 tpi
- 24 tpi
- 26 tpi
- 27 tpi
- 29 tpi
- 30 tpi
- 30x30 tpi
- 33 tpi
- 50 tpi
- 55 tpi
- 57 tpi
- 60
- 60 tpi
- 67 tpi
- 84 tpi
- 100 tpi
- 120 tpi
- 120/240 tpi
- 127 tpi
- 150 tpi
- 170 tpi
- 180 tpi
- 210/375 tpi
- 220 tpi
- 240
- 240 tpi
- 320 tpi
- 330 tpi
- Wall thickness
- Puncture protection level
- Voltage
- Rimtape width
- Width
- Spoke diameter compatibility
Spoke lenght
- 170
- 174
- 176
- 178
- 180
- 182
- 184
- 185
- 186
- 187
- 188
- 189
- 190
- 192
- 194
- 196
- 197
- 220
- 224
- 226
- 228
- 230
- 232
- 233
- 234
- 236
- 238
- 240
- 242
- 244
- 246
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- 250
- 252
- 253
- 254
- 255
- 256
- 258
- 259
- 260
- 261
- 262
- 264
- 265
- 266
- 267
- 267.5
- 268
- 269
- 270
- 272
- 274
- 275
- 276
- 277
- 278
- 280
- 281
- 282
- 283
- 284
- 285
- 286
- 286.5
- 287
- 288
- 289
- 290
- 291
- 292
- 293
- 294
- 295
- 296
- 297
- 298
- 299
- 300
- 301
- 302
- 303
- 304
- 305
- 306
- 307
- 308
- Nipple lenght
- Valve length
- Axle diameter
- Max. pressure [bar]
- Perem kialakítása

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